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Wabash Employment

Step 1 (of 4): Personal Information

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Thank you for your interest in the Communications Specialist position at Wabash College. To apply for this position, please complete the form below.
* = required information

You must proceed through ALL steps of this process AND CLICK THE "SUBMIT APPLICATION" BUTTON AT THE END for your application to be received. Leaving these pages before clicking the submit button results in an unfinished application process. There is a single "Submit Application" button which you will find after the third step. Completion of the fourth step is optional. You will receive an email confirmation after clicking the "Submit Application" button. If you do not receive a confirmation message, your materials have not been successfully submitted.


Catherine Metz
Director of Human Resources
Human Resources
Wabash College
P.O. Box 352
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
email: metzc@wabash.edu

For general questions about the position or the department, contact:

Kimberly Johnson
Director of Communications and Editor of Wabash Magazine
Communications and Marketing
email: johnsonk@wabash.edu


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