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Fellowships For Seniors

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Austrian Federal Ministry of Education


Each year, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) seeks recent college and university graduates interested in teaching English in Austria. Fulbright Austria (Austrian-American Educational Commission) has been responsible for recruiting US citizens for this outstanding program since 1962. More than 4,000 US teaching assistants (USTAs) have made a difference in hundreds of thousands of young Austrians’ lives over the decades.

The objective of the BMBWF's teaching assistantship program—which also brings native speakers from countries such as Russia, Spain, France, and Italy into Austrian secondary schools—is not only to expose young Austrians to native speakers, but also to arouse their interest in other cultures based on cross-cultural dialogue and personal contacts.

Deadline Information


Eligibility Requirements

US Citizens
Must have German Language Proficiency

Location: Austria
Eligible Students:
Academic Areas:
Areas Of Interest:


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