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The photography of Adam Cole ’98 (pictured with wife, Amanda, and daughters Zoe and Ava) provided the visual backdrop for “39 Under 39”, an issue of WM about and from the College’s young alumni.

Three from Kyle Nickel '03

Of Language, Mathmatics, and Epochs of Exhaustion, by Joe Warfel '04

Observing a 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@ School Teacher, by Jacob Pactor '04

Kamikaze, by Kyle Hall '99

“Make the Road by Walking”—Zach Hoover ’01

“Learning from the Master—Marc Gehl

The Reason I Do 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@ddings, by Adam Cole '98

A Man's Life
Why Dressing Like a Pirate Is Our Strategy for Saving Literature
Greg Behr and Bill Warden

39 Under 39 Online Profiles

Defining Myself - Deon Miles '97

Stinky, by Evan 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@st

You Can Go Home Again - Ben Whitehouse '99

I'm Always Surprised by What Interests Me - Joe Lopez '96

Losing Myself, by Sterling Carter '07

Online Extras
Larry Bennett and Hypermnestra
Samuel Bak: The Art of the Question
Where Did You See God Today: New Orleans Immersion
Dedicating the Bachner Reserve: Always About the Adventure
Derek Hickerson’s Article in Traces
Opened my Eyes: Southern Culture Immersion
From the Archives: The Founders
Online Extras
Wabash Men in History: “A Sure Magic”
Professor Scott Feller: World Class Researcher, Award-Winning Teacher
An Evolutionary Celebration
Billings on Lincoln’s Birthday
Darren Cambridge Returns to Wabash
Remembrances: Dick Ristine
Remembrances - Gary Livengood
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