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Title: The Dominican Republic
Course Section Number: SPA-312-02
Department: Spanish
Description: SPA-312-02=HSP-250-01 2nd Half Semester Course The history of baseball in the Caribbean is rich and deeply intertwined with the region's culture, social dynamics, and historical events. "The Dominican Republic" is a half semester course (2nd half) and will give students the chance to study the literature, culture, and history of the Caribbeaan through the lens of Baseball. The language of instruction will be English.
Credits: 0.50
Start Date: October 14, 2024
End Date: December 14, 2024
Meeting Information:
10/15/2024-12/12/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 02:40PM - 03:55PM, Detchon, Room 209
Faculty: Rogers, Dan
Requisite Courses: SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302, Must have taken SPA-302 previously

Course Status & Cross-Listings

Cross-list Group Capacity: 25
Cross-list Group Student Count: 25
Calculated Course Status: CLOSED
Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
SPA-312-02 (primary)
The Dominican Republic
CLOSED Spanish 25 10 / -- / 0
HSP-250-01 (cross-listing)
The Dominican Republic
CLOSED Hispanic Studies 25 15 / -- / 0
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