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Title: Public Schools & Communities
Course Section Number: EDU-370-01
Department: Education Studies
Description: With an eye toward issues of equity and justice within and across public schools and their communities in rural, suburban, and urban settings, students in this course will explore the various elements of historical, cultural, economic, social, and political influences that shape public education in the U.S. For example, students will be introduced to the ways in which socioeconomic (poverty/wealth) diversity and sociocultural (racial/ethnic) diversity within schools and communities characterize public schools in different settings. As part of an investigation into how public schools function in rural, suburban, and urban communities, the class will focus on the ways in which community dynamics can exacerbate inequities at the same time provide support and resources for a more just and equitable public school experience. Students will study how different school districts within urban, rural, and suburban communities characterized by distinctive demographics also have different needs and resources, which determine schools' unique curricular and programmatic offerings. For example, case studies of school districts will enable students to consider questions such as: what are relevant vocational program options for suburban and urban schools? And how do agricultural education programs in rural schools serve those communities? Students will also consider how achievement data and socio-economic data across the three different school and community settings lead us to questions of equity and justice. In addition to course texts (including academic books and articles, case studies, documentaries, and podcasts), school/community field trips, guest speakers, and a variety of assignments will further enable students to rethink the range of opportunities and challenges that are uniquely characteristic of public schools and communities in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 21, 2024
End Date: December 14, 2024
Meeting Information:
08/22/2024-12/12/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:45AM - 11:00AM, Detchon, Room 209
Faculty: Pittard, Michele
Requisite Courses: Take one course from EDU or by permission of Instructor.

Course Status

Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
Public Schools & Communities
OPEN Education Studies 18 8 / 10 / 0
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