Thinking critically, acting responsibly, leading effectively, and living humanely—the primary elements of Wabash’s mission statement—challenge Wabash men to maximize their education and realize their dreams. At a time when much in our culture asks very little of young men, we challenge our students to live up to their best ambitions for themselves.
They learn side-by-side with faculty and fellow students, compete on the playing fields, and perform on the Fine Arts Center stages. They boldly lead the men in their living units and they purposefully take charge of their futures.
Gifts to one or more of the four areas of the Annual Fund support Wabash students and their experiences.

WABASH’S HIGHEST PRIORITY (UNRESTRICTED) Gifts marked as unrestricted have a far-reaching impact on all Wabash students. These gifts are the most necessary and important for the College to receive on an annual basis as they impact every area of the Wabash experience from technology to facilities.
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID Annual Fund support contributes to scholarships and need-based financial aid, making the Wabash experience affordable for students who might not be able to attend the College without some type of assistance. This area of the Annual Fund helps to bridge the gap between what it costs for a Wabash education and what students actually pay for their education.
FACULTY AND PROGRAM SUPPORT Wabash is about being a part of a community. The close-knit relationships between students and faculty are a large part of what makes this place special. That is why Annual Fund gifts here promote the rigorous academic environment at Wabash, enabling a 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio and 75 percent of all course sections have fewer than 20 students.
STUDENT EXPERIENCES Wabash is committed to providing students with the best living and learning experiences that provide opportunities beyond the classroom. Gifts allocated here will make an impact on the following areas of a Wabash Man's life: Immersion Learning, Internships, Fraternities, Residence Halls, Athletics, and Fine Arts.