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Internal Review and Submission | Grants

Once you have decided to submit a grant proposal, you should alert the Grants Office by completing a Proposal Needs Checklist for External Applications and a Financial Conflict of Interest Form.

Required Approvals

New grant application: Applying for external support is an important evidence of scholarship and creative activity. For that reason, both the Director of Grants and the Dean of the College maintain a copy of each submitted proposal or application, budget information, and all correspondence with the granting agency.

In order to maintain an orderly procedure for the submission of grants and fellowships, Wabash has instituted a sign-off process for any grants and/or fellowships that require institutional approval. The faculty/staff member should submit the form notifying the Grants Office, who will share with the Dean’s Office that you are working on a proposal. This also alerts the appropriate offices that you will need assistance with finding funding sources, writing the proposal, or with signatures or support letters before submission.

Renewal application: A PD/PI submitting a renewal or revised grant application must follow the procedures above.

Revised budget: If the funding agency requests that the PD/PI submit a revised budget at any point during the period of performance, the PD/PI should contact the Grants Office to negotiate a new budget. Revisions to the budget require approval from the Offices of Academic Affairs and/or the Treasurer’s Office.

It is recommended that you allow at least 10 business days for the required administrative review of a grant application or revised budget.

For all other applications, please allow at least 5 business days for the required administrative review.


In order to maintain an orderly procedure for the submission of grants and fellowships, the College has instituted a sign-off process for any grants and/or fellowships that require institutional approval. The Proposal Needs Checklist for External Applications Form notifies the Grants Office, the Dean of the College, and the Treasurer’s Office of a new grant application.

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