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Data Inventory, Maintenance, and Governance

Policy documents

Data Governance and Procedures
A review of offices, committees, and individuals tasked with institutional data management and reporting, along with their specific responsibilities; procedures for reporting data to external entities.

Data Sharing Protocols

A document describing the way that personal data is shared both internally and externally.

Conducting Survey Research with Wabash Participants
Guidelines for those planning to conduct survey research with any Wabash constituency – including students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Surveys that Wabash conducts and participates in

Inventory of External Surveys
A complete listing and schedule of annual surveys that Wabash submits to external entities, such as the Department of Education or publishing/ranking agencies.

Inventory of Internal Surveys
A listing of institutionally-sanctioned surveys regularly administered to Wabash constituencies.

Documents for Colleague users

List of data types and responsible offices

Guidelines for avoiding duplicate records in Colleague

Guidelines for maintaining addresses in Colleague

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